Wednesday, June 13, 2012

What Islam actually means

Islam is a complete code of life. Among other code of life, as Allah has allowed only one. To answer the question, what is Islam and its meaning, it can begin. The literal meaning of Islam is peace. In fact, it is not simply to say, the only sense of peace. The word Islam includes unlimited importance of peace and security. There is another way of life to survive in the world in peace. All codes of life have failed to bring the idea of ​​peace in reality. The reason is very simple. These are all man-made systems. A man-made system can never be perfect to give universal peace and security. Let us know the reason for the development of further investigation.
Before addressing the question of
why Islam is necessary to look to faith. It's called 'Faith', a feeling of acceptance, something is true or right, to make a rule in an invisible thing. As someone without seeing, England can make the belief in the existence of the country is known as faith. Similarly, if we believe in the Almighty Allah is the Creator of the universe, is our  belief , because, because we've never seen before. Almost every man in the universe has faith in a Creator, with the exception of some atheists. Allah is all just human beings with free will, what ever created, and when you want. It also has the economic exchange system, the education system, the Criminal Code, foreign policy, domestic policy, etc., in order to survive in a disciplined community forever. Like all the past and the future seems to present Allah , the systems provided by him is absolutely flawless and perfect. When asked to follow the codes of the life of Allah and are available to establish in our society, then the obvious result of uninterrupted peace and security will be.As already mentioned, that man may be the only beings in the universe with the power of free will to accept or reject, the code of life from Allah, if he wants. When rejected the code of life of Allah then obviously, it was decided to obey the system created by man. Since humans only a creation of Allah, he is totally incapable of such an impeccable and perfect life that can offer that provides for the establishment of peace.We have already tried to create a different number of code of life. A futile has forced man to create a different, but the result is all the same. Therefore, it is better, the code of life for the people of Allah in peace and security must be selected to accept non-stop. This peace and security, known as the word Islam in Arabic.For more information about the true Islam and know Dajjal, the Antichrist and the links at the site of Islam. This makes the visual reality, Islam, once unseen. So do not miss it. Just do it to know about what is Islam and why Islam please click what is Islam and why Islam.

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